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It’s almost the Summer season but have you got your tyres for Summer?

get your tyres for summer at Stone Tyres

You might be ready for Summer but is your car?

It’s fair to say we are all ready for Summer after what feels like the longest Winter ever! However just because you are ready with your holidays booked, bikinis bodies and sunshine have you even took a minute to consider is your car prepared for Summer? Is it equipped with the correct tyres for Summer?

At Stone Tyres we are the experts when it comes to tyres and we know what is best for them so trust us when we say that you need to have the right tyres for Summer fitted. Lucky enough for you we’ve got Summer tyres in St Helens so you don’t need to go out your way looking for the perfect tyres for your vehicle.

You might be wondering why use Summer tyres but it’s in your car’s best interest, especially if you want maximum safety for yourself and your passengers. There are many reasons and benefits to why you should be using Summer tyres and that is why Stone tyres are going to give you the most important facts about tyres for Summer.


Get your tyres for Summer, they’re going to benefit you

If you are the person thinking why use Summer tyres, sit back and relax while we give you the expert guide into Summer tyres in St Helens.

Let’s start with the fact that tyres for Summer are much more effective when it comes to braking. They are manufactured to perform better on the road and help you brake faster when driving due to them being more suitable for the Summer road conditions.

Another factor which is greatly beneficial with tyres for Summer is the fact that they respond well to changing direction and handling curves. This is going to help you in the Summer because no doubt you’re going to be out more driving on motorways or country roads for days out, so you need the highest quality tyres. With the right Summer tyres you’ll be driving with ease.

If you’re still stuck thinking why use Summer tyres, don’t worry we’ve got some more reasons. As Summer tyres are designed to cope with road conditions in the warmer months they are made so that the tyres will grip the road better, giving you, the driver, more control when driving along the roads.

Finally, the thing about Summer tyres in St Helens is the fact that just because it’s technically Summer, the weather doesn’t always match the season in the UK as we all know very well. This is why with tyres for Summer they respond well in both wet and dry road conditions. So whether we actually have a hot Summer in the UK or a rainy one at least you know your tyres can handle it.


We’ve done our bit now you do yours

Stone Tyres has told you everything important that you need to know about tyres for Summer so now that we have done our part it’s time to do yours by visiting us at the garage for your Summer tyres in St Helens.

When we say we have done our part, that just by providing you with the information you need to know, we will also help you with the practical part too. We will help you decide and choose what Summer tyres are best for your vehicle and will fit them for you too.

What are you waiting for, we are pretty much doing it all for you, all you’ve got to do is get in touch and you can leave the rest to us professionals at Stone Tyres.