Stone Tyres St Helens. College Street, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 1TY
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Tyres In St Helens
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Funds Tight after Xmas? Did You Know You Can Pay Monthly For Your Tyres with No Credit Check?

New tyres in St Helens

Happy New Year To All Our Customers Now that Christmas and New Year are over things start to get back to normal. New year is the best time of all to get the stuff sorted you’ve been putting off for ages, like sorting your car tyres out. We understand that after the festive period funds Read more…

What Causes Car Tyre Punctures?

car tyre punctures in need of repair

How Can They Be Avoided? If you buy a new tyre at Stone Tyres St Helens you automatically receive free tyre puncture repair for life, so there is no need to worry about the cost of a car tyre punctures. Brilliant hey? Well, yes, but that doesn’t make them any less inconvenient. Car tyre puncture Read more…

Affordable Winter Tyres for Sale Now at Stone Tyres St Helens

Our winter tyres for sale

When the Seasons Change so Should Your Tyres We’re officially into Autumn now folks and those evenings are already getting darker and earlier. It’s only a matter of time before the scarves come out and we find ourselves looking at our breath on crisp winter mornings so that can only mean one thing, it’s time Read more…

Looking for budget tyres in St Helens?

New tyres in St Helens

Look no further! Plenty of places claim to sell cheap tyres in St Helens and the surrounding areas but how many of them back up their claims by listing the prices of their budget tyres for St Helens on their website? Not many. At Stone Tyres we are confident in our offers and regularly list Read more…

Your car tyre pressure is super important

all about you car tyre pressure

Longer lasting tyres & increased safety when driving Your car tyre pressure is of a high importance for your vehicle. Ensuring it is at the correct level and knowing how to check your tyre pressure is crucial so we want to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing and how to look after your Read more…

Benefits of Continental Tyres

check out the benefits of continental tyres

It’s about time you know about this brand One of the most iconic tyre brands out there, Continental Tyres has managed to build up a reputation for being reliable, durable and a good quality tyre that will withstand pretty much everything that the road can throw at them. When it comes to the benefits of Read more…

Be prepared with strong Winter tyres

get your strong Winter tyres from a professional

It’s never too early to prepare when your safety is involved Don’t worry, we aren’t trying to force Summer away before it has even started, we want the sun as much as everyone else but seen as we have gave you all the tips for your Summer tyres we thought it would be good to Read more…